Boundary Layer Books

Boundary Layer Books is a division of Boundary Layer, Inc., dedicated to books that approach and cross boundaries. Technological, sociological, real/fantasy, you name it, we’re interested – as long as your book is interesting.

We provide full-service publishing – editing (developmental and copy editing), printing, listing on Amazon, payment of royalties, etc. If it’s edgy, we’re interested.

Submit the first 30 pages (Times New Roman or Arial, 12-point font, double-spaced) to us at The next part is the hardest. You have to wait. Within 60 days, we’ll get back to you with a yes or a no.

If it’s a yes, we’ll ask for the full manuscript. If you haven’t finished your book, please wait until you have. If you haven’t had a friend or writing group read your manuscript, please do. If you don’t know the difference between their, there, and they’re, learn it, revise your manuscript and try again.

No is not no forever. Books and writers evolve. If you and your book improve, try again.

Book Submission Form

Are you a member of a writing group?

3 + 15 =