The End of a Great Jet

All of us here at Boundary Layer worked on Mitsubishi Aircraft’s SpaceJet program. The goal was vast: Starting with a clean sheet of paper, or blank screen, create a competitive new regional airliner to serve global markets using Japanese craftsmanship and Western aerospace experience. The aircraft would be the first airliner designed and built in…Read More

what is human performance

What is Human Performance?

Have you ever heard this before…“Human Performance (HP)…I have no idea what that even means.” Dr. Todd Conklin is quoted as saying, “when something bad happens (safety related or otherwise), the organization has two choices: to blame and punish or to learn and improve…they cannot do both.” In an effort to learn and improve, I’ve…Read More

What is a boundary layer?

What is a Boundary Layer?

Disclaimer: We are not an engineering firm, but we think this is an apt metaphor. In fluid mechanics, a boundary layer is that area of flow immediately closest to the surface of an object. That object can be something like an aircraft wing, the wall of a pipe, a building, or even a mountain. The…Read More